/// despicable three /// edwards, co ///

Tucker turned three and swore he wanted a Despicable Me party. We are big on the First birthday, but we kinda promised to take it easy until number five as far as giant parties go. He will never remember, he has plenty of toys all the time, and inviting friends from school and the neighborhood and the grocery store just sounds like a panic attack waiting to happen. For me. Hello, I’m selfish. Didn’t you get the memo?

After asking about fifty times what he wanted to do for his birthday, he just kept going back to Despicable Me. WELL FINE! Pinterest gave me the courage to take the theme as far as the baked goods and a few homemade decorations. The baked goods started to cause a problem when I decided to stick to our Paleo guns and make damn sure those treats were nothing but caveman-worthy. I only had three goals for this party: The treats need to taste good, Tucker needs to recognize that we threw him a Despicable Me party, and Tucker needs to have fun. Other than keeping him up way past his bedtime and the fact that I stupidly left the treats sitting outside on a picnic table for too long, GOALS ACHIEVED! Note to anyone attempting Paleo baking: Do not leave said baked goods out in the open air to completely dry out like cardboard play-food.

Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet Tucker. You are so many things to me and I will spend the rest of my life making sure you know what all those things are.


So we started your weekend off with some painting and iPad-watching in your cowboy hat.


Then we busted out the small gifts just to get in some present-opening-practice.


Of course we had to go to a park with Nanna because your life is not complete unless exactly 50% of your awake time is spent buzzing around a park. Thanks for letting Cash come, too.


Beaver Creek’s last rodeo of the summer was a night I won’t soon forget. Remember how Tucker is a bit of an introvert? Cautious of new things? HE RODE A HORSE! BY CHOICE! I didn’t dare even ask him if he wanted to for fear of me being arrested for not keeping hold of my child instead of letting him run full-speed into the wild yonder screaming NOOOOOOO!


Nanna was pretty excited to get to see big Tuck ride that dang horse and stand on the fence to watch the rodeo and eat all the Kettle Korn on Planet Earth.


Then there was the party…


We just set up shop at our favorite playground and took over. He ate his cakes, opened his gifts…


(Cash got to eat some cake and play with some of Tuck’s gifts)


Then we played Tuck’s favorite lawn games. He killed it on the Ladderball.


Then we had to eat some food and play with our new trucks and let all the sugar wear off.


We tried to take a group photo, per usual. This is a composite of about nine different attempts. Whatever. Then tuck wanted to finish the night on his favorite… the tire swing. However, tire swings, bedtime, and too much cake do not mix.

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